I asked my doc about the operation, what happens and when I would be getting it done...he replied early next year hopefully and I would have to get my head cut off...I mean open.
(1) I'm terrified of surgery after seeing the film "Awake" about a guy who gets his head (I think)operated on and can still hear and feel everything that's going on, he even hears the doctors planning on killing him.
(2) It means I will have to get part of my head shaved, above my left ear....I love my hair...there's no way I'm getting it shaved.
(3) If needs must and I have to get it shaved...I will have a bald bit for my wedding :( It's not happening, I'm puting my foot down....at least wait until after the wedding!
On a lighter note, I'm going to be an auntie! My future sister-in-law is pregnant, she found out when she was 6 months! She did always say she was the type of person to go to the toilet and come out with a baby...she's not far off it!

Also, I received some more images recently from Phil which I'm in love with! I love the colours of the sky in these. Phil is hopefully going to be my early Christmas present this year! Hoping to shoot again soon! Also, my buddy Rupert and I are going to take on the freezing outdoors in early December!

Love you dad,
Kirst xxx
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