We even decided to start a fire in the fireplace in the main room we were shooting in...although since I'm crap with fire, I couldn't keep it going for very long (hence why it's absent from the above image) but I was successful at creating a lot of smoke! I also had a very interesting "prop" with me, I'll post up images when I receive them. Also managed to get some creepy ones with the pooch, he's another prop which comes in handy a lot (love you Cody x) I don't know what it was about the farmhouse, whether it was the dark, the silence, the derelict feeling...but I was totally scared for the whole shoot, I felt as though something was watching me the whole time. The images we created looked fab on the camera and had a very creepy feel about them, I'm excited to see more!
I'm really looking forward to shooting with Mike again, we had a blast! Also, just wanted to say thanks to Alanm from UKPM who helped me create some beautiful make-up images for my salon. My clients were very happy Alan...hopefully I'll manage to get a shoot with you soon!

Rupert is coming to visit on Friday...well RusselD for everyone else, Rupert for me! (long story) We're going out for a meal with his wifey Margaret and my hubby Craig. We've got lots planned so need to discuss everything, then we're shooting on Sat and lots of new locations I've found. Got a secret theme to this shoot but all will be revealed in due course!
I've just made mince pies and a Christmas cake and I don't even like them...waiting on Craig coming in to scoff the lot!
Night guys,
Kirst xxx