Firstly, my beautiful mummy (and an ugly me). Everyday I strive to make her happy and make her proud. She has gone through far too much in her years, now it's time for someone else to take the reins.
I love my mum more than anything in the whole wide world...she is my complete and utter universe.

Ha ha I look so silly in this picture!
Next up is my daddy. He sadly passed when I was only 10 years old, I miss him more and more every single day. I was super close with him when I wwas little which made losing him so much more difficult. Every day I look up at the sky and know he is looking down at me, he is now my guardian angel.

These words always remind me of him:
"When I'm gone, just carry on, don't mourn, rejoice, everytime you hear the sound of my voice, just know that I'm looking down on you smiling and I didn't feel a thing, so baby don't feel no pain, just smile back."
Up next is my hubby-to-be Craig. He is my soulmate. We have known eachother for around 10years and are getting married in June. I love this guy to bits, he is so understanding, especially with my modeling and is always there for a cuddle when I need one. He completes me (and makes me laugh like a geek in pictures!)
Some photographers have had the pleasure of meeting the hubby....he's always handy to chauffeur me about!Finally, my little poochy pants Cody. No matter how hard and rubbish your day has been he's always the first to greet you when you walk in the door with a big slobbery kiss. He is the one who cuddles you without saying a word, licks away your tears, can tell how you're feeling just by looking at you.....the one who steals your clothes when you're in the shower, sneaks under your bedcovers when you're not looking...and sticks his tongue in your wine glass! Yummy!
Without all the above...I wouldn't be me. I love you guys!
K x
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