Way back in June I was doing the moonwalk in Edinburgh (26.2mile powerwalk) for breast cancer. At about 18miles I spotted the most gorgeous beach. It was about 4am and the sun was coming up, creating lots of lovely shadows in the sand and water. As soon as I saw it, I wanted to do nude work. The location was absolutely beautiful and breathtaking. I thought it would look great for a shoot, but something made me think it wouldn't work for a fashion/swimwear shoot....it had to be nude. Not had a chance to shoot there yet...
From that moment on I wanted to persue my long time ambition - as a nude model.
I've done a fair few nude shoots now, I will talk you through some of the best and some of my favourite images. Some are not on here yet as I'm still waiting on getting some back, but I will pop them on when I get the chance.
Robert Purdie
Rob and I have shot twice, once at a studio and one on location at Glen Coe. It was his first time shooting art nude and my first time doing it on location so was a learning curve for us both. Still awaiting edited images so I will post them when I get them.
Rob was a gem to work with and I would recommend him. He also took a liking to my little pooch who joined us on our second shoot.
Simon Hayhow aka SJH
Si and I shot at a lovely location which I'm keeping secret as I loved it so much! It included caves, lots of interesting rock formations, a waterfront, old buildings....it had the works. We could've spent all day there but time and weather was against us...it was freezing and pouring...I loved it! Will definitely be dragging Si back there soon!
At this point Si didn't have much experience at art nude work so again it was a learning curve. He was great at giving direction though and also let me do my own thing....which included nude rock climbing!
I also managed to fall flat on my face in a puddle as we walked over VERY slippery rocks to the waterfront...as usual I did not have the appropriate shoes on....for future reference pumps and seaweed DO NOT go well together.
We also almost got crashed into by a HUGE wave.....so much fun!
Here are some of the results, I love the natural light in the first.

Robin Frowley
Rob and I shot in July (I think) 2009 at his studio in Edinburgh. He is one of the nicest guys I've met in a long time, so genuine and made me feel completely at ease. I pretty much forgot I was running around nude...
Rob had a clear idea of what he wanted and I let him know my ideas too. We spoke about poses, what looks good, what doesn't and got to work.
I had a very bad dose of tonsilitis so Rob was a little star making sure I always had a big mug of ice cold water.
It was a very relaxed and fun atmosphere and I think we got to know eachother pretty well. We got talking about my work, the work he had done, models we love, photographers we admire, weddings, baby photography and how he thinks all babies look the same. Had a real good laugh with him and left feeling so proud, this is one of my best shoots to date. I couldn't stop going on about it the whole journey home and can't wait until our next shoot.
The results:

Thank you for these Rob!
Must go, I'm at work and really should be working!
K x
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