Wednesday, 26 August 2009
Derelict Farm and 3 storey farm house
Got a few shoots booked in this secret location over the next few could probably do about 6 shoots there, each one being completely different....the place is HUGE!
So just a thank you to everyone who got in touch about this location, I'm super excited to shoot there and writing down ideas for shoots as I type.
Keep an eye on my blog for the images from the shoots, first one is taking place on Sunday. Really looking forward to it!
Love and hugs,
K x
Saturday, 22 August 2009
My Inspirations
Firstly, my beautiful mummy (and an ugly me). Everyday I strive to make her happy and make her proud. She has gone through far too much in her years, now it's time for someone else to take the reins.
I love my mum more than anything in the whole wide world...she is my complete and utter universe.

Ha ha I look so silly in this picture!
Next up is my daddy. He sadly passed when I was only 10 years old, I miss him more and more every single day. I was super close with him when I wwas little which made losing him so much more difficult. Every day I look up at the sky and know he is looking down at me, he is now my guardian angel.

These words always remind me of him:
"When I'm gone, just carry on, don't mourn, rejoice, everytime you hear the sound of my voice, just know that I'm looking down on you smiling and I didn't feel a thing, so baby don't feel no pain, just smile back."
Up next is my hubby-to-be Craig. He is my soulmate. We have known eachother for around 10years and are getting married in June. I love this guy to bits, he is so understanding, especially with my modeling and is always there for a cuddle when I need one. He completes me (and makes me laugh like a geek in pictures!)
Some photographers have had the pleasure of meeting the hubby....he's always handy to chauffeur me about!Finally, my little poochy pants Cody. No matter how hard and rubbish your day has been he's always the first to greet you when you walk in the door with a big slobbery kiss. He is the one who cuddles you without saying a word, licks away your tears, can tell how you're feeling just by looking at you.....the one who steals your clothes when you're in the shower, sneaks under your bedcovers when you're not looking...and sticks his tongue in your wine glass! Yummy!
Without all the above...I wouldn't be me. I love you guys!
K x
Little Tour of England
I've got some time off in October so going to be leaving Perth after a shoot on Sunday 11th October, around lunchtime.
Travel plans are as follows:
Sun 11th pm - travel to Lake District
Mon 12th am - shoot in Kendal with Lifescapes
Mon 12th pm - travel to Preston
Tues 13th am - shooting in Preston/Greater Manchester area
Tues 13th pm - shooting in Preston/Greater Manchester area
Wed 14th -
Thur 15th -Birmingham area (tbc)
Fri 16th -
Sat 17th -
Sun 18th -
If you'd like to shoot with me, please get it touch via my purestorm page, UKPM or net-model (all kirsty269 alias)
Locations are pretty much on a first come first served basis. I'm not fussed where I travel to as I'll have the car - anything within reason is suitable.
Happy to shoot anything up to and including nude....just let me know and we'll get something arranged. Looking to take on mostly paid/part paid work as I'll have to cover my travel and accomodation but selected TF* work will be available.
I also have LOADS, and I mean LOADS of ideas for nude little head is bursting with them so hit me with a challenge and watch me while I succeed.
Lots of Love,
K x
Graham aka ABZphoto
The location we were meant to be using had been partly that was a no no. Last minute I found the perfect location...and a hole in the fence to get to it.
I met Graham at the train station then headed to the location. After a short walk we found the most amazing building with huge potential and an old railway track. I had a fab time with Graham and feel I made a good friend. He had loads of ideas and encouraged me with mine which included swinging on chains and being a runaway bride!
Can't wait until we shoot again.


Advancing to nude work

Robin Frowley

Thank you for these Rob!
Must go, I'm at work and really should be working!
K x
Friday, 21 August 2009
My Modeling Journey
One of my first shoots was with a lovely man called Bob. We shot on location at Huntingtower Castle in Perth, my first location shoot. Arrangements had been made and permission was granted for us to shoot there but when we turned up on the day the lady didn't recall anything about there we were, shooting in a tourist attraction with tourists milling about and children running around dressed in capes and cloaks!
It was a relaxed shoot, a lovely atmosphere and a good laugh with Bob! Made a good friend and we have kept in touch since, with a couple more shoots along the way.

Donald and I shot back in 2007 in Contrast in Glasgow. I had a right giggle with him, he's such a funny little chappy! Again, the atmosphere was very relaxed, we just basically messed around all afternoon. The images were to build my portfolio a bit and include ideas Donald had. He helped me a lot with posing techniques and I still remember some of his pointers to this day. My favourite memory of him is when he showed me what he wanted me to pose like, seeing a photographer being a model for a few minutes made me giggle for ages!

Colin McLatchie
I know the lighting isn't great in this, not sure why I like it...I just do. No idea why it reminds me of an Inspector....maybe it's the jacket?!
Robert Simpson #2
In amongst all these other shoots (a few which I've not discussed here), I shot again with Bob. This time I dragged my hubby-to-be in for a couple of Calvin Klein inspired images. Again, I don't have the best ones on my laptop but here is a couple. After these we sprayed ourselves with some baby oil then water for some more intense images....but these are on my other computer.

I never can keep a straight face when he says he doesn't enjoy modeling...!
John and I have become very good friends since our first shoot together and have planned another, we have lots of ideas....our next shoot will be very interesting if I can grab him for a few hours! I love John to bits, I have admired his work for a very long time and feel priviledged to have shot with him.
I am proud of the work I have done with him, we even got published from our first shoot. Here are some of the results...we were going for a "cinderella in her attic" type of look...

First Post
I'm guessing you already know who I am if you're looking at this but I'll introduce myself anyway and tell you a bit about me...
...I'm Kirsty, I stay in Perth, I'm 21 (my birthday is next month), I run a beauty salon and model part time, I love being busy and I love a challenge, I have a hubby-to-be who is my world, I have a little pooch - a border collie puppy called Cody (he loves modeling too), I have just bought my first property, erm....., I talk....alot, I love my family, I miss my daddy more than anything in the world...he passed when I was 10 :( , I recently got diagnosed with M.E so some days I feel yucky.....doesn't stop me though, I love cheese toasties, I try to cuddle at least one person I love every day, I am an emotional person, I love to smile and laugh and I love my memories....they are the most precious things in the world.
Anyway, this blog is for my modeling. I set it up so everyone can keep track of what I'm doing, where I'm doing it and my progress.
I've been modeling on and off since 2007 but really concentrated on it and done so much more since the beginning of 2009. I am still learning but I feel I am progressing every shoot I take on.
I recently broadened my horizons to nude work and I absolutely love it! I feel more comfortable with my clothes off....
Anyway, I'll leave it there just now and post some images etc up later.
K x