It's only 8 more sleeps until Craig and I get married! I can't believe the time has come round so fast! We're just preparing the last few bits and pieces now then it's all down to luck for everything to go right!
I've just done my last shoot before the wedding then I'm taking 4 weeks off, returning around early/mid July. I went out on a great shoot though, Craig and I shot together with John Hewat who is super lovely. It was a totally fun shoot with lots of gorgeous images which are sitting in my queue for editing at the moment (and yes, John said I'm allowed) as well as lots of candids and outtakes. In some outtakes, like the one below, I love as it shows the chemistry between Craig and I. This is the perfect pre-wedding shot, it sums us up perfectly...good looking and never too serious to have fun! ha ha!

I'm also still working on some images from the last time I shot with John, but with the wedding plans it's taking longer than I'd like to get round to editing them. I'm sure I'll have them done soon but I won't be happy until they're perfect!
8 more sleeps! I can't believe it...I wonder if I have 8 naps today it will come round quicker??
Much love,
Kirst xxx
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