Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Out with the Old and In with the New

Well folks, a lot has changed since I last posted (I know, it's been over a month!)

My health is still up and down at the moment but thankfully its mostly up! Craig and I are making the most fantastic memories as husband and wife and new doors keep opening for both of us. I am very fortunate and very lucky with what I have in my life. I have the most amazing family and friends and have something to smile about each and every day.

2010 has been our year...we have got married, had the most amazing honeymoon in the Maldives and are just back from Florida with my family. We are skydiving next weekend and doing some Christmas shopping in Manchester as well as looking forward to santa coming next month!

One thing has played on my mind over and over recently. I feel it is time to close the door on my modeling career. I have put lots of thought into this and I want to focus on a few new things in my life. Craig and I have been seriously talking about starting a family and this is where my heart lies. I have to put my health first and make sure I am not doing too much....doctors orders.

I want to take this time to thank all the special people I have met during the last 3 years. I have made some very special friends, especially John, Hannah and Phil. I have travelled throughout the UK and been to some magical places I never even knew existed. I have fallen face first in a puddle of mud, been bitten by a swan and almost pulled over a fence by a donkey! I have stepped on a dead vole while shooting nude in a cave, almost been stranded on a rock as the tide came in, seen a photographer (Phil) fall out of a tree and almost fallen over in some reeds while my leggings were round my ankles and I was trying to walk. I have shot everything from fashion to lingerie, glamour to nude. I specialised in nude, which I am so happy I did. I enjoyed embracing my curves in front of the camera and creating different shapes in the light and shadows. I have shot with male and female photographers, in front of one photographer or a group. I've been caught naked in an old farmhouse and shot in -13'C with Alex Ingram. I also ruffled the feathers of another nude model but over time we both realised we are similar and therefore have similar visions. After exchanging emails etc we have now almost become friends, which is something truly unique in my heart. (I know you are reading this and I want to say Thank You and you are a fantastic model!)

I have made so many memories over the past few years while in the presence of a photographer and a camera. I have all the images to speak for themselves and will always hold them close to my heart. Many models have inspired me, photographers too. Places inspire me. There is nothing more magical than shooting in a natural surrounding, nude, with the chilly wind and small raindrops falling on your skin. This is my favourite feeling in the world, being free, at one with nature.

I could go on for hours about all of this, it is something so utterly special to me but I'd like to leave it there for now. I'm closing this chapter of my life and opening another. I'm not saying I will not be in front of another camera in my life, possibly even behind it, but for now, for me, I know this is the right thing.

Thank You Everyone and Goodnight xxx

Wednesday, 29 September 2010


I'm going through a little unsettled period at the moment, primarily due to my up and down health of recent months. I just can't seem to see a clear path at the moment, my journey seems clouded and fuzzy. I'm trying my best to see through the rain just now, some days it seems to just drizzle but other days it pours. I'm trying out a few new things and seeing if they help.

I've started a new fitness routine at my local gym which is killing me every week but it will be worth it. I was there again last night and today I'm not as sore as last week so hopefully I'm getting fitter. Can already feel my abs returning..it's a great feeling.

I've also been let down by another photographer since I last posted. Sometimes I just find people so rude when you point out something which upset or annoyed you. The least they could do is understand, instead of getting all defensive and bombarding you with messages.

Anyway, here's a lovely image from Stephen Phillips from our shoot not too long ago. I really like this one and I love my expression...

I have had a fair few shoots since my last post and also turned another year older. To celebrate my birthday I had a shoot with the lovely and very talented Mr Hewat where we shot me in my birthday suit! I also wore some "interesting" outfits...if you could call them that. Images to follow.

On Sunday I'm shooting at the Radison hotel in Glasgow with a few other models, should be a fab day and looking forward to catching up with old friends and meeting some new ones!

Lots of love,
Kirst xxx

Thursday, 9 September 2010

I can see the light

The above image was shot by Stephen Philips who I recently worked with on a studio shoot. This was the first time Stephen and I had shot together and I'm pretty pleased with some of the images. From what I've seen so far the above image is my favourite. This was captured during one of the moments Stephen told me to "do my thing". I'm not sure what it is that attracts me to this image...

One thing I do like about the image is that it is very relevant to my life at the moment. In this image there is something in front of me clouding my sight (my hair) but I can see through it slightly and see the light at the end of the tunnel. I think the expression on my face is very apt to my situation and one thing I was very keen to do during this shoot is use my feelings from my health news to portray emotion in images. I may as well use sad news as motivation and gain something out of it!

I'm shooting on location on Monday and very much looking forward to it so expect another update pretty soon!

Kirst xxx

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

My good old friend Phil

Well here he is, Mr Lifescapes! Phil is a very special person to me, we seemed to click instantly when we started talking online about arranging a shoot. He will always hold a special little corner in my heart <3

Kirst xx

Do you ever get bored of looking at images of yourself?

I got asked this the other day while shooting. Truth is I don't get bored of looking at awesome images of me (awesome being different/interesting/unique) where you look at the image and go "wow, that's cool". I've done this a few times with my images, firstly with my work with Alex Ingram which I feel is one of my biggest achievements so far in modeling. If this keeps happening when I look at images of myself I'll be a happy girl as I'd be going somewhere - moving forward.

While shooting recently at a studio something struck a chord in my mind. I was happy, the shoot was going well, I was getting on well with the photographer but everything was just 'nice'. The lighting was nice, I looked nice in a nice outfit with a nice smile which made a nice image. Just nice. I don't like looking at 'nice' images of me. I was being directed during the shoot which is something I'm not used to, I'm not used to smiling and making pretty pictures, I'm more about concentrating on my expression while creating interesting shapes with my body with interesting and intriguing shadows or making an outfit stand out in an image while I portray a specific emotion.
When I left the shoot I was feeling a bit down, almost as if I hadn't enjoyed myself. It made me realised for me to fully enjoy a shoot it needs to be inspiring, different, emotive, thought provoking...not just a nice image for my great granny (if she was still alive) to look at and say "that's lovely, stick it on the fireplace"

I guess I'm just re-evaluating everything after the storm I've been through recently. I want to make sure (since my energy can get quite low) that every drop of my energy is used towards something I enjoy whole heartedly.

So I know it's been a long winded explaination but moral of the post is that I think I need to be pushed more, with challenging ideas and inspiring situations. I guess I don't like just being 'nice'.

Since I never like posting without an image here is one from Sstu Hyland from last month. I'm happy with this one - it was wicked working in a different setting, it's been a while since I've shot in a castle! Thanks Stu!

Kirst xxx

Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Will the rain clouds ever go away....?

Well, as you all know I've not been very well recently. Yesterday I demanded to see a doctor and I sat in his room and told him I wasn't leaving until I got some answers. Well....I certainly got some answers but it wasn't what I wanted to hear at all. When he told me I burst into tears.

One of the hardest things was coming to terms with it and being able to admit to what I had/have. I went to visit my sister-in-law who was there with a shoulder to cry on. When I went home I was so scared to tell Craig, for some reason I thought he wouldn't love me as much if I told him what it was. Eventually I couldn't hold it in anymore so I let it all out and told him everything. He was absolutely amazing and told me he's going to stand by me no matter what happens. Couldn't ask for a better husband.

As you might have guessed, I'm super close with my mum. We tell each other everything and there are never any secrets between us. Craig told me I should tell her but I was shaking at the thought of it, I was terrified. My mum has enough stress with her day to day life without having to worry about me.
After dinner Craig, Cody and I walked up to my mums and I got her on her own, burst into tears and told her every single thing the doctor said. She cried a little too and gave me a massive cuddle. It still brings tears to my eyes even writing about it, I'm so scared...

...at least now I know what it is and I can get the proper treatment I need. I did get told to keep active though and to try and not let things bother me too much. I'm looking to fill my diary with lots of exciting projects to keep me going over the next couple of months as I know they are not going to be the easiest of times.

Kirst xxx

Thursday, 26 August 2010

My Handsome Little Man

As lots of you may know I have a lovely little border collie called Cody. He is my complete world. Some of you have been lucky enough to meet him, some have even managed to get him to pose for some shots. I love this little chap dearly. I know of no other man who will be super excited when I walk through the door and who is so happy with the most simple of things...the same food every day and just water to drink. For the little things they receive they certainly have lots of love to give.
When I have been unwell Cody has stuck right by my side and always been ready to cuddle me until I fall asleep. I love getting my camera out when he's about, he's such a little poser!

Hope you enjoy my little man as much as I do,

Kirst xxx

Mummy's jumper

After my mums crazy 50th birthday Craig and I decided to walk home rather than wait on a taxi. Walking somewhere after you've had a few cocktails is always a funny experience, it seems to take forever (must've been walking at snails pace!) and you giggle at everything...well I do at least. Craig and I seem to have the most hillarious conversations when walking home after a few drinks.
Anyway, my mum gave me her jumper to keep me warm. It was a lovely jumper, so cosy and felt like I was getting a huge cuddle all the way home. I loved it so much I couldn't help but take it to a shoot with Stu Hyland and Roy Pritchard a couple of days later.

Stu, Roy and I had a fab shoot at Blackness Castle in South Queensferry. It got dark quite early on which made it slightly more challenging but we welcomes the challenge with open arms and produced some lovely images together. Iit also started raining slightly but I managed to escape to a doorway and get some shelter. I was shooting from the doorway which was perfect...I was dry - Stu and Roy were very wet!

I got the above image back from Stu a few days ago but my blog has been playing around and not letting me upload images. It working today though so fingers crossed it stays working. I love this image. I've seen some others which look awesome too, really proud of some of them which is always a good thing. Hoping to upload some soon. I'm also excited to see Roy's images as they looked fab from the back of the camera.

Health wise I've not been the best recently. After my little stint in hospital I've had numerous tests which all seem to come back with the results I didn't want to hear. Have to go for an echocardiogram soon - an ultrasound of the heart - to check everything is ok there. I'm just glad we don't have to pay for health care in this country or I'd be even poorer than I am now!

Until next time,
Kirst xxx

Friday, 13 August 2010

Sometimes people just click

I recently had a shoot with Stu Hyland at an abandonned warehouse

near his place. This was one of my first shoots after being ill and on

the way through to meet him I wasn't feeling great and was annoyed

at myself in case my ill health encroached on our shoot.

When we arrived at the location my eyes just lit up. I was so

inspired by the building, everything about it was just amazing

and the potential for images was great. We got to work straight

away after exploring the location and deciding what areas we

wanted to work in and what outfits I was going to wear. Usually

I mainly shoot art nude but after being ill I was told I had to

stay warm so have been building up my fashion section of my

portfolio. Although saying that, there were a couple of sets

towards the end of the evening where I just knew they would

look better with some nudity so couldn't help myself.

Stu is a great photographer, had unlimited ideas and is as

daft as a brush! We seemed to click really well and from the

moment we started shooting we were bouncing ideas around

(including some from Craig who was our lookout with the dog!)

We even got down to some light painting later where Craig

was in charge of the lights, Stu with the camera and me doing

my stuff as usual. We got on so well I'm doing a group shoot

with Stu and some other people on Monday at South

Queensferry and we're already in discussions of future

shoots and ideas.

The images were uploaded onto UKPM where they caught

the eye of Craig McGuire. We had discussed shoots before

but never really got round to getting anything firmly in the

diary. These images have managed to strike a chord with

him though so we're back on track with getting something


Anyway guys, enjoy the images and let me know what

you think of them as they are a little different to my usual stuff.

Kirst xxx

Vintage Beauty

John Hewat and I recently shot at my place in my newly decorated spare room. I saw this teal colour of paint when I was thinking about decorating and couldn't help but buy it. The room looks fantastic with two different shades of teal and lots of light, airy furnishings and vintage looking furniture.

John and I decided to go for a vintage feel for this shoot so here are a couple of the images. We used the dark teal wall as a backdrop and it worked wonders. My hair and make-up were inspired by the 1920s, a period which I absolutely love.

Thankfully I'm feeling better after a few weeks of ill health. I'm back to shooting and have had a few fabulous shoots with lots more to come. When I'm in front of a camera I completely forget of worries about my health and other things which are bothering me. It's my escape, my time to feel free.

Kirst xx

Tuesday, 10 August 2010


Sometimes, from time to time, people piss me off! It seems in the past week or so lots of people have pissed me off at once and that doesn't make me a happy bunny!

Firstly I had a shoot booked with a certain photographer known as L**D (it's pretty obvious who he is but if you want to know leave me a msg and I'll get back to you). I arranged a shoot with him at 5.30am one Sunday morning to catch the sunrise at a popular beach in Edinburgh. Now, this fella has let me down before but I gave him the benefit of the doubt after he ran out of dying relatives and as he promised he is now more professional the booking got confirmed. A few days later I received an email from him saying he has a family get together on the Saturday evening and would not manage to be awake for 5.30am on the Sunday. I was uber pissed and emailed him to confirm I will not be opening any emails from him in the future and would never think of working with him, neither would I recommend him.

Secondly, I had a shoot arranged for yesterday at Bent Brae studio with a photographer I have worked with before. I logged on to PS to confirm things only to receive an email saying "I've heard you are unwell, hope you take care". Now I never saw this as a cancelation as it never included the words "I am canceling/postponing etc until you are better". I phoned Derek at the studio and he told me the studio had been canceled as 'I had canceled with the photographer'. Now, this photographer T**B never once received an email/text/phonecall from me saying I was too unwell to shoot. I had an away notice on PS saying I had been unwell and was taking a while to get back to my mail. I also said I had canceled the necessary shoots. I HAD NOT CANCELED THIS ONE AND THE PHOTOGRAPHER HAD NO REASON TO THINK I HAD CANCELED IT AS I HAD ALREADY CONFIRMED IT WOULD BE GOING AHEAD. Really fucked me off to be honest. Some people are so unprofessional.

Thirdly, (and this is not to do with modeling at all) I had a girl lined up to rent one of the manicure stations in my salon. She ended up telling me after she was due to start she had changed her mind. I only found this out when I called her and got her voicemail, to receive an email from her. She is older than me and meant to be professional but refused to remove posters in corporate companies advertising she was at my salon. When I emailed her to ask her to remove them again I got no response. I eventually emailed again and asked her to remove them for a third time or further action would be taken and she proceeded to tell me I was being over dramatic and my tone was unreasonable. My salon is my pride and joy and I will not have anyone put me down for anything to do with the salon.

All these people should be put in a big spaceship and blasted into outer space. Just my 2p worth.

Kirst x

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Can I do glamour? ;)

Thought I'd post these from a few weeks back when I worked with a new photographer Cee El-Ehembe. We shot while I was on my honeymoon in the Maldives and thought we'd take advantage of the beautiful lagoon outside my beach bungalow. I really like these images, it was nice to try something a bit different for me. I was going to shoot my usual art nude but with the Maldives being a Muslim country it was going to be a bit disrespectful for us to do so.

So, what do you think? Can Kirsty do glamour? Or are these images a lost cause?

Kirst xx

** Look at the photographers name and write it down as you say it.... C L.A.M.B <---- the hubby! Was just a little play around on our honeymoon **

Poor Old Me

I know I've been pretty rubbish at updating this recently but I've not stopped since we came back from our honeymoon. I've learned my lesson though because all of the work I have been doing landed me in hospital last week.
I came into work feeling not too bad, a bit of tonsilitis but thought I'd be fine. Within a couple of hours I was dizzy, had fainted, had a panic attack because I was on my own (first time for this and very scary) and couldn't stop shivering. I phoned my mum and Craig but couldn't get a hold of them. Eventually I managed to get myself to the hospital and was immediately taken to a side room in the emergency department.
I was panicing again and even more when they were wiring me up to all sorts of machines and telling me I might have meningitis. Blood was taken, an IV put it, drip attached and lights turned out. I had all sorts of medication pumped into me and all I wanted to do was go home. The doctor told me I had to stay but, having a fear of hospitals, I refused and started causing a scene - mid panic.
One of my friends had come to sit with me and convince me to stay but I was having none of it. I ripped the machines out and refused to stay. The doctor told me how serious it was but against everyones wishes I discharged myself.
My mum had come to meet me and wasn't mad at me, just worried. She took me home but within hours I was back in the emergency room ten times worse. I knew this time I had to stay in. Craig and his mum were with me so I didn't feel so bad. I was once again wired to all sorts of machines, taken for a chest x-ray and to the ward where I was given my own room. I got told I was being sent for a lumber puncture which made me freak even more. I wanted my mum, 22 years old and all I wanted was her by my side.
It was now late at night and time for Craig and his mum to go. As they were leaving I was in floods of tears begging them to stay but they couldn't. I was a mess. Every hour during the night I was woken for tests and more blood and in the morning I was happy to wake to find my mum beside me.
My temperature was still sky high, blood pressure really low, heart tracing was all over the place, heart rate was super high and blood tests showed all sorts of abnormalities. Before I knew it I was in am ambulance being sent to Ninewells hospital in Dundee for a scan as I had a blood clot in my lung. Before going in the ambulance I had to have another injection in my stomach to thin my blood and strange stuff injected through my IV prior to the scan to show the blood supply to my lungs.
I'd never been in an ambulance before, it wasn't really that exciting but it was nice to know the blue flashing lights were on! After my scan we had to wait 2 hours before we could get an ambulance back to Perth. Finally we got back and some more tests were carried out. I was eventually allowed home but with orders of strict bed rest and lots of medication.

So...that's why I've taken ages to update things, I've got so much to update you on and I PROMISE I will get it done soon, I just need to take things easy at the moment. Will try and update again today.

Much love,
Kirst xx

Friday, 23 July 2010

Sleepy time for me..

I'm lying in my bed just now, Craig's watching something rubbish on the tv and I'm super sleepy...well my mind isn't, just my body so thought it would be a perfect time to share another image from John Hewat. This was taken just after our wedding too, at the same beach as the post below.
I felt inspired by the film "Six Days, Seven Nights" and the Destiny's Child song "Survivor". Mixing the two ideas together and bringing the beach into the equation produced this image. I like it because it is so different to my other images. I've been editing a lot of wedding photos recently and like making them feel warm so in contrast I wanted this image to feel cold...hence the blue. I think it works here though.
I'm really getting to grips with using my camera and really enjoying it too. This weekend we have no firm plans so looking to get out and about with my camera and see what I can create. I'm also loving editing images at the moment, I like the whole process from beginning to end, I always feel I have achieved something when I capture an image, process it and look back at it with a smile.
I got some lovely shots (if you an call them that) of the flooding we've had in Perthshire during the week, it was crazy, came and went in 24hours but the following day half of the town was closed due to floods. Our pooch liked it a lot though!
Anyway, it's getting late and I'm getting sleepy,
night readers,
Kirsty xxx

A little post honeymoon edit

Here is a shot from a recent shoot Craig and I had with our good friend John Hewat. We hadn't been back from our honeymoon long but I was missing the beach badly! The beach here wasn't as luxury as the Maldives but it didn't stop us getting this lovely image.
It's actually an outtake, we were giggling about something but I love the fact John captured it. You can see the chemistry between us and can tell how comfortable and natural we feel around each other, I think this is important in an image, especially a shot of a couple.

I have edited the image, with John's permission. I'm constantly playing around with Photoshop trying new techniques etc but I wanted to go for more of an editorial edit with this shot, which influenced where I placed the text.

Anyway, hope you like it, more edits on their way.

Kirst x

Thursday, 15 July 2010

And some more...got thousands to look through...

but I won't bore you with them all! Here's the last lot for you. Enjoy.
Kirst xxx

More photo's of our special day

Each of these images bring back so many memories..I just can't believe the wedding was over a month ago now!
Much love,
K xxx

My gorgeous flowergirl hard at work

Ailie was an absolute star all day and had so much fun copying exactly what I did! Her big brother Aaron was our ring bearer and looked so handsome in his kilt.
I'm so proud at how well the little ones did at the wedding. They stayed almost to the end but when they realised their mum was there to pick them up they both burst into tears which made me cry too!
K x

From Miss Miller to Mrs Lamb

After coming out the church with my handsome hubby, beautiful bridesmaids, gorgeous flowergirl and lovely groomsmen. I couldn't be happier!
K x

Another wedding photo...

Our Wedding

I've had trouble recently uploading images on here. The easiest way to do it is to email them over but only thing is I can only do either 1 or 2 at a time depending on file size. Anyway, it will have to do for just now.

The above image is by Gary aka Gazhilla aka GDHphotography. He was invited to the wedding as a guest but I promised him a few shots for his portfolio and I'm so glad I did. I absolutely love the above shot, it reminds me so much of our most special day and brings a tear to my eye every time. Hoping to get this enlarged to go above our fireplace in our house, it's just beautiful.

Kirsty xxx

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Introducing Mrs Lamb

That's it...I'm married now! Our day was absolutey perfect, Craig and I couldn't have asked for anything more. All of our family and closest friends shared out most special day with us and helped make so many memories I will cherish forever.

Usually at weddings there is the odd fallout, someone who drinks too much or someone who decides to cause a scene but none of this happened, everyone had a blast and made our day so special. There are over 1300 photo's of our day I've seen so far and I know there's still more to come, it's insane how many photo's got taken but looking at them all take me back to the day, I wouldn't have it any other way.

After our wedding we left at 6am for the Maldives, I'll do an update on than soon as I've got so many photo's to show you. People told us to expect paradise but it was so much more than that, it was like heaven.

It's taken me a while to get used to my new name, my old sirname is now my middle name as I wanted to keep it in there somewhere but I'm now officially Mrs Kirsty Lamb. I kept saying to everyone I never felt married, never felt like Mrs Lamb but I do now...after getting an Ikea family card with Kirsty Lamb on the front.

Craig and I spent a whole day on Sunday talking about our future and what we'd like to do, where we'd like to stay, family etc etc. I'm usually so organised and plan ahead but with our life together I'm not going to plan, just let things happen the way they want. We know one thing we want to aim for in the next three years though...and I'll be the happiest girl in the world when that happens...but for now it's a secret! ;)

I've also taken a couple of weeks off from shooting to enjoy married life but got a couple of shoots coming up, you can't keep me away for long!

Trying to upload wedding photo's onto here but it just doesn't want to work for me...will try again later.

Lots of love,
Mrs Lamb xxx

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Only four more sleeps until I become Mrs Lamb

That's right folks, four more nights until I get married. I'm so excited but nerves are starting to set in a little, I just hope everything goes well. I can't wait to see everyone on the day though, all dressed up looking pretty...and I'm so so excited about wearing my dress! I had it on again yesterday to see how it fitted and it's perfect!

I've got so much to do at the moment but one thing which has been annoying me for ages is my backlog of images. I've got discs here waiting to be looked at but I'm not getting a chance. Here's another from a shoot with John H a few weeks ago (before the last shoot below) I like this shot a lot, the pose looks awkward and I love that. I enjoyed having messy hair too!

I found this ivy looking thing in John's house, he told me it's Tracey Kane's but she hasn't been back to collect it yet. As soon as I saw it I wanted it to be wrapped round me. There were lots of nice images from this set but I think the above is the best.
Craig also got roped into this shoot too but I'll save those images for another post.

Love you all,
Kirst xxx

Friday, 4 June 2010

The clock is ticking...

It's only 8 more sleeps until Craig and I get married! I can't believe the time has come round so fast! We're just preparing the last few bits and pieces now then it's all down to luck for everything to go right!

I've just done my last shoot before the wedding then I'm taking 4 weeks off, returning around early/mid July. I went out on a great shoot though, Craig and I shot together with John Hewat who is super lovely. It was a totally fun shoot with lots of gorgeous images which are sitting in my queue for editing at the moment (and yes, John said I'm allowed) as well as lots of candids and outtakes. In some outtakes, like the one below, I love as it shows the chemistry between Craig and I. This is the perfect pre-wedding shot, it sums us up perfectly...good looking and never too serious to have fun! ha ha!

I'm also still working on some images from the last time I shot with John, but with the wedding plans it's taking longer than I'd like to get round to editing them. I'm sure I'll have them done soon but I won't be happy until they're perfect!
8 more sleeps! I can't believe it...I wonder if I have 8 naps today it will come round quicker??
Much love,
Kirst xxx

Tuesday, 1 June 2010


Here are a couple of images from a recent shoot at the most beautiful abandonned house in Aberdeen. I shot there with Rob a couple of weeks ago and love the images. The location was so inspiring with the most gorgeous wooden detail on the ceilings of the rooms and some stunning rugged stone work on some walls. I think this is the second most inspiring location I've been to, or maybe third...it's definitely on my top five anyway.

Rob and I had fun playing with light and different poses, as well as this one in the window. I've shot similar to this before but I prefer this image, I just love shooting through windows.

Rob also sent me over a contact sheet from our shoot. I've not seen contact sheets very often but it's so helpful to see one, even if you don't receive any of the images, it's just nice to see what worked, what didn't and ways you can improve next time.
I've slowed down a lot of my shooting over the past couple of weeks as the wedding is now only 11 days away and I've got so much to do. It's all the little bits and pieces left now but they seem to take the most time. I've got a shoot tomorrow then that's me until after my honeymoon. I'm taking four weeks off after I get back from the Maldives, I'm totally in need of a rest but after that I'll be shooting lots again and I can't wait. When I'm shooting, particularly when it's art nude, I feel like a free spirit and it's the only time I can completely switch off from the stresses of everyday life. I'm missing my stress relief at the moment but hopefully I'll be able to chill soon. I've got a wedding this Saturday (third in 3 weeks!) then my bridal shower on Sunday and then it's only five more days until the BIG ONE! I'm super excited and no nerves have set in. Let's hope it stays that way!
Will update again soon, got so many images waiting to be showcased.
Much love,
Kirst xxx

Wednesday, 19 May 2010


Here's the first of the images from my recent shoot with John Hewat. I'm taking my time uploading them as John allowed me to edit the best images from our shoot. I always love the images John and I create as they are always shot in a completely comfortable environment and the comfort we have with each other comes across in the images.

When I shoot with John it's always different from the other shoots I do as we usually don't plan anything specific. We usually set a date and time then I go through my mood boards and inspiration books, find outfits and accessories and start thinking some ideas. When I ask John what his ideas are his reply is always the same, "have fun and just go for it". I love this about him.

I'm not overly well at the moment, got a nasty cold and M.E pains are back. It's probably my fault though as we had our stag vs hen day on Saturday with a day of inflatable challenges such as the gladiator joust, inflatable boxing, inflatable twister, the bungee run etc followed by a night of partying and silly games including the most competitive game of musical chairs I've ever played in my life. We were scoring the whole day the the girls ended up winning 16-14. The boys were not happy at all, especially when the losing team had to supply drinks to the girls ;) Wedding only three weeks and 3 days away now!

Anyway, I'm off to edit a little more and try and create something a little different. Will update mega soon,

Love Kirst xxx

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

G'day Mate

I have no idea why but the above image reminds me of an Australian person...think it may be the hat?! It was shot by the lovely ABZphoto at an abandonned farm I came across on my travels. We shot for a good few hours on Monday afternoon and had great fun exploring every corner of this location...it was huge and included a farm house (which still had a working phone!) and probably about 8 barns with upstairs and some big sheds.

I was utilizing the farm theme in this one again, I've got a thing about checked shirts at the moment...we were going for a more casual look to these and I think we captured it pretty well...apart from me being blinded by Graham's new flash!

It's now only a few weeks until the wedding and stress is getting on top of me as usual and making my nasty M.E flare up again, yuck! I took a little time away from shooting last month to recharge my batteries and ride out the calm before the storm as I'm shooting lots from now until the wedding. I'm loving every minute of it though and having a great time working with so many talented individuals and creating something unique.

I had a great catch up/shoot with John Hewat on Friday evening too, at his home studio. We played around for hours with wigs, ivy and lots of other props. John got his lighting rather spot on and we created some lovely dark images, waiting on some coming through just now but will hopefully be going home to a little CD through the door. Update to come soon.

** Must remember to phone about buttonholes for the men for the wedding **

I'm also shooting again on Thursday with Terry who's coming up from South Yorkshire...we have a few different ideas for our shoot so looking forward to that. I'm also traveling a little further afield (for a weekday shoot) and heading up past Aberdeen on Monday to shoot on location up there. As much as the wedding stress is getting on top of me and I turn into bridezilla a little every now and again, I find modeling is a great excape from the stress, it lets me be free and I can honestly say it's the only time I never think about anything, it's just a shame my health is so up and down just now otherwise I'd be shooting lots more. I have to be sensible and put my health first though.
(^^ Craig showing off his modeling skills!)

Hoping to update again tonight,

Kirsty xxx

Monday, 26 April 2010

Getting the hang of this photography malarky

I've been super busy recently and a little bit ill so not had much time to model, instead I've been spending time with my camera before my bookings get hectic over the next six weeks or so.

I was babysitting my two week old nephew Lewis yesterday and managed to get this shot while he was sleeping. I've not shown his mum yet as I'm making an album in secret for her with memories of her little boy so when he gets bigger she has these to look at. He's such a content little man just now, quite happy to lie and sleep - I wonder how long this will last?

I'm modeling quite a bit over the next six weeks, trying to fit in as much as possible before my wedding in June. After that I'll be taking a little time off to enjoy being a newlywed and will return to shooting late July. I will however still be taking bookings throughout June/July and still be active on forums etc so don't hesitate to get in touch.
Lots of love,
Kirst xxx

Friday, 16 April 2010


Recently I shot with Gazhilla as a swap for a camera of his, a lovely Canon EOS 30D. I love it, it's my little baby...all be it a heavy baby at that! I've wanted to pick up a "real" camera for years and finally got my chance.

I've had a few technical gliches with it but mostly I've managed pretty well. I'm out at least three times a week with it at the moment, just shooting everything I can get my hands on until I'm comfortable with it and can get some yummy images! I've been using Cody my big border collie as a model..he loves camera's and regularly appears at my shoots expecting his photo to be taken. I remember one time he sat in front of a photographer and smiled, not moving until he got his photo taken...he's so like me! ha ha.

Anyway, here's a couple of shots I got of Cody the other weekend. I'm just practicing remember, and all very new to this, but I like them. My little man looks so handsome!

That's all for now guys, I'll upload some more of my images as I shoot them, as well as images from my modeling. Hope you're all enjoying the sunshine, Scotland is awesome at the moment.

Much love,

Kirst xxx

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Farmer Girl

Being with soon-to-be wife of a boy who is a farmer at heart means I have access to lots of farms in and around Perthshire. This time, I shot with Desova, I didn't have access and got chased off the farm when I went to explore it before the shoot. In the few minutes I was there I saw a few great pieces of machinery that I was desperate to shoot with.

The morning of the shoot (Mother's Day) I grabbed the photographer and we snuck onto the farm and hid from the farmer while Murray shot and I ran about nude! It was a bitterly cold day but we shot for a good while and used what we could from the location. I'm actually pretty happy with some of these. Got them in colour too but I'm in a black and white mood tonight.

Looking back at these images reminds me how cold it was in the barn in the above image, there was still snow at the entrance and it's almost April. I'm getting a bit fed up of the cold now, bring on the better weather!
Lots of love,
Kirst xxx