I managed to get full access to the gym, pool, sauna and steam room so I spent ages relaxing. I put myself through a pretty mad workout first and ended up lying on the ground almost unable to breath after going crazy on the treadmill and crosstrainer. Craig was panicing as I was shaking and everything....I will admit, when I have time to go to the gym I do go a little mental!
On Saturday I traveled down to Lewes in East Sussex to shoot with Barney Douglas ^^ . This would be my last shoot before hitting the road to come back to Perth. We had a very productive shoot and tried out lots of ideas and experimented loads. Been sent the draft copies of the images but not had a proper chance to look through them all. Will do it after this. Barney was brilliant when I was with him, an absolute star to work with!
The top image is another I got sent over from Phil (Lifescapes) from our shoot. I think I'm actually in love with it!
Until next time,
K x
Actually before I go, here is a rather cute pic of Cody I took while we were away...
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