Wednesday, 29 September 2010


I'm going through a little unsettled period at the moment, primarily due to my up and down health of recent months. I just can't seem to see a clear path at the moment, my journey seems clouded and fuzzy. I'm trying my best to see through the rain just now, some days it seems to just drizzle but other days it pours. I'm trying out a few new things and seeing if they help.

I've started a new fitness routine at my local gym which is killing me every week but it will be worth it. I was there again last night and today I'm not as sore as last week so hopefully I'm getting fitter. Can already feel my abs's a great feeling.

I've also been let down by another photographer since I last posted. Sometimes I just find people so rude when you point out something which upset or annoyed you. The least they could do is understand, instead of getting all defensive and bombarding you with messages.

Anyway, here's a lovely image from Stephen Phillips from our shoot not too long ago. I really like this one and I love my expression...

I have had a fair few shoots since my last post and also turned another year older. To celebrate my birthday I had a shoot with the lovely and very talented Mr Hewat where we shot me in my birthday suit! I also wore some "interesting" outfits...if you could call them that. Images to follow.

On Sunday I'm shooting at the Radison hotel in Glasgow with a few other models, should be a fab day and looking forward to catching up with old friends and meeting some new ones!

Lots of love,
Kirst xxx

Thursday, 9 September 2010

I can see the light

The above image was shot by Stephen Philips who I recently worked with on a studio shoot. This was the first time Stephen and I had shot together and I'm pretty pleased with some of the images. From what I've seen so far the above image is my favourite. This was captured during one of the moments Stephen told me to "do my thing". I'm not sure what it is that attracts me to this image...

One thing I do like about the image is that it is very relevant to my life at the moment. In this image there is something in front of me clouding my sight (my hair) but I can see through it slightly and see the light at the end of the tunnel. I think the expression on my face is very apt to my situation and one thing I was very keen to do during this shoot is use my feelings from my health news to portray emotion in images. I may as well use sad news as motivation and gain something out of it!

I'm shooting on location on Monday and very much looking forward to it so expect another update pretty soon!

Kirst xxx

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

My good old friend Phil

Well here he is, Mr Lifescapes! Phil is a very special person to me, we seemed to click instantly when we started talking online about arranging a shoot. He will always hold a special little corner in my heart <3

Kirst xx

Do you ever get bored of looking at images of yourself?

I got asked this the other day while shooting. Truth is I don't get bored of looking at awesome images of me (awesome being different/interesting/unique) where you look at the image and go "wow, that's cool". I've done this a few times with my images, firstly with my work with Alex Ingram which I feel is one of my biggest achievements so far in modeling. If this keeps happening when I look at images of myself I'll be a happy girl as I'd be going somewhere - moving forward.

While shooting recently at a studio something struck a chord in my mind. I was happy, the shoot was going well, I was getting on well with the photographer but everything was just 'nice'. The lighting was nice, I looked nice in a nice outfit with a nice smile which made a nice image. Just nice. I don't like looking at 'nice' images of me. I was being directed during the shoot which is something I'm not used to, I'm not used to smiling and making pretty pictures, I'm more about concentrating on my expression while creating interesting shapes with my body with interesting and intriguing shadows or making an outfit stand out in an image while I portray a specific emotion.
When I left the shoot I was feeling a bit down, almost as if I hadn't enjoyed myself. It made me realised for me to fully enjoy a shoot it needs to be inspiring, different, emotive, thought provoking...not just a nice image for my great granny (if she was still alive) to look at and say "that's lovely, stick it on the fireplace"

I guess I'm just re-evaluating everything after the storm I've been through recently. I want to make sure (since my energy can get quite low) that every drop of my energy is used towards something I enjoy whole heartedly.

So I know it's been a long winded explaination but moral of the post is that I think I need to be pushed more, with challenging ideas and inspiring situations. I guess I don't like just being 'nice'.

Since I never like posting without an image here is one from Sstu Hyland from last month. I'm happy with this one - it was wicked working in a different setting, it's been a while since I've shot in a castle! Thanks Stu!

Kirst xxx