Recently I shot with Gazhilla as a swap for a camera of his, a lovely Canon EOS 30D. I love it, it's my little baby...all be it a heavy baby at that! I've wanted to pick up a "real" camera for years and finally got my chance.
I've had a few technical gliches with it but mostly I've managed pretty well. I'm out at least three times a week with it at the moment, just shooting everything I can get my hands on until I'm comfortable with it and can get some yummy images! I've been using Cody my big border collie as a model..he loves camera's and regularly appears at my shoots expecting his photo to be taken. I remember one time he sat in front of a photographer and smiled, not moving until he got his photo taken...he's so like me! ha ha.
Anyway, here's a couple of shots I got of Cody the other weekend. I'm just practicing remember, and all very new to this, but I like them. My little man looks so handsome!
That's all for now guys, I'll upload some more of my images as I shoot them, as well as images from my modeling. Hope you're all enjoying the sunshine, Scotland is awesome at the moment.
Much love,
Kirst xxx