Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Farmer Girl

Being with soon-to-be wife of a boy who is a farmer at heart means I have access to lots of farms in and around Perthshire. This time, I shot with Desova, I didn't have access and got chased off the farm when I went to explore it before the shoot. In the few minutes I was there I saw a few great pieces of machinery that I was desperate to shoot with.

The morning of the shoot (Mother's Day) I grabbed the photographer and we snuck onto the farm and hid from the farmer while Murray shot and I ran about nude! It was a bitterly cold day but we shot for a good while and used what we could from the location. I'm actually pretty happy with some of these. Got them in colour too but I'm in a black and white mood tonight.

Looking back at these images reminds me how cold it was in the barn in the above image, there was still snow at the entrance and it's almost April. I'm getting a bit fed up of the cold now, bring on the better weather!
Lots of love,
Kirst xxx

Friday, 26 March 2010

On Location with Phil and Gary

Monday morning was spent shooting on location with Phil and Gary. It was so lovely shooting with them both individually at the weekend then together on the Monday. Phil and Gary have a great relationship and this was their first time shooting at the same time on location. I felt like a star being photographed by more than one photographer at once, it was fab!
The above image is one of Gary's taken at the first location. I love it but wish I had relaxed my neck and head forward slightly, I think my figure looks good in the image though. The image below is again taken by Gary but showing Phil shooting me and a little more of the location. I like these set-up shots, they really make me feel like a model!
The below images are more of Gary's taken at the next location...a fab reed bed Phil found.

I love these so much! Phil got a lovely reed bed image too - although I feel I look a little too curvy in it. I spoke with Gary about my curves, I feel too curvy at the moment but Gary says they look fabulous for art nude work, gives my body a nice feminine shape and gives me something different from the usual stick thin models. I feel proud of my curves now :)
Another two of Gary's...

The last location was fab too, I can't remember the name of it but it was a gorgeous huge quarry with massive rocks, absolutely stunning. Here's some images below from Gary.

I really can't thank Gary enough for a wonderful weekend. Not only am I super proud of the images we created but I had such a good time and also got compensated with my gorgeous baby 30D. I'm already annoying the dog trying to get him to pose for me!

Gary, Phil & Tony - thank you all, you are each a little star in my heart!

Kirst xxx

Thursday, 25 March 2010

Lighting group in Lancaster

On Sunday morning I drove up to Lancaster to meet Gazhilla aka Gary as I was the chosen model for his lighting tuition group. Altogether there were eight photographers, the most I've ever modelled infront of. I was really nervous on the drive over but as soon as I met Gary he put me completely at ease, he is such a lovely man. His partner was there too, she was so welcoming and made all my nerves fly out the window.
We never really got a chance to shoot some proper images as he was teaching others how to understand lighting and model etiquette but we sneaked in a few shots. I love the above shot, it's not usual I wear clothes but I guess I don't look that bad in them!

I'm not sure of a lot of the photographers names who were at the lighting course but one I remember is Tony aka toneb75. We seemed to hit it off from the start and I felt completely at ease infront of his camera. I've always struggled to get a decent headshot I like but Tony managed it pretty well...
My favourite is the first headshot, the tones are lovely and my eyes look gorgeous (even if I do say so myself!) Tony should be proud of these! We also managed to sneak in a couple of nudes, my favourite by Tony...

Thanks for these Tony, they truly are lovely, I don't think it will be too long before I'm back down your way!
After leaving Lancaster Craig drove us back to Blackpool to spend the night in our little guest house after dinner at Frankie & Benny's. I almost fell asleep in the restaurant I was so tired, sometimes I think non-models/non-photographers underestimate the effort which gets put into every shoot, it's not easy work.
Will update on the location work next,
Kirst xx

Saturday, 20 March 2010

Scotland, England, Wales...in 24 hours

I decided a few weeks ago I'd like to do a little tour to work with a few photographers I've wanted to work with for a while. The alarm went off at 5am, the car was packed, the dog in the boot and off we went.

First stop was with Phil aka Lifescapes in the Lake District. The weather was against us and it was raining quite a bit. Phil knows the area like the back of his hand so I trusted him to scout out a few locations. We ended up deciding to shoot in a boat house as it was sheltered and had some lovely features (including more swans). Wwe shot for a couple fo hours then hit the road again.
Next stop was another 3 hours drive to Colwyn in north Wales where Craig and I done a treetop assault course 50ft high. I WAS TERRIFIED! My balance isn't great when I'm sleepy and my hands were so sore from holding onto the ropes so tight. I managed it all though and in top time too. I was super proud of myself, especially when Craig got scared of the freefall at the end and almost chickened out!
After Wales we hit the road again and drove up to Blackpool where I'm writing from at the moment. We are staying here for a couple of nights as it's near enough to where I'm shooting tomorrow/Monday and we got a really good deal at a lovely little hotel.
I'm shattered now, we've covered over 500miles in less than 24 hours, I've been bitten by a swan and almost fallen 50ft after getting stuck on a thin rope! I've also dropped my mobile in the dogs water bowl (thankfuly it's ok...no idea how!) and realised I've forgotten to pack underwear! Typical me! Just as well I'm a nude model ;)
This image makes me giggle soooooooo much!
I'm heading off to bed now, I'll update with images when I receive some. I've got a big day tomorrow shooting with Gary all day at one of his tuition sessions, looking forward to it.

I hope I can sleep with the entertainer guy downstairs singing his heart out. It's a £1 bar tonight but I don't drink before shooting, one glass of vino was all I had and I'm now ready to take off my make-up, put on my PJs and catch some sleep!

Lots of love,
Kirsty xxx

Friday, 12 March 2010

Sun is shining

I LOVE it when the sun is shining, it makes everyone so cheery (me included!). I've taken a break the past couple of weeks from shooting as my M.E has made me quite ill but looking forward to getting back out there on location on Sunday with Desova and then again on Monday with John Smith. I just found out yesterday that the location I was meant to be shooting at with Desova has been demolished so checking out another one tonight, it has BIG potential, I'm excited!
I'm also off down to Lancaster next weekend to visit my good old friend Phil aka Lifescapes and to meet and shoot with Gary aka Gazhilla. Uber excited as I also get my camera, courtesy of Gary! Can't thank him enough!
It's now only 24 days until I become Auntie Kirsty to either Ava or Lewis, whatever they decide to call the bubba and only 12 weeks and 1 day until I officially become a Mrs! I even got a t-shirt printed with Mrs then my new sirname, can you tell I'm excited about the wedding? That also means it's only 12 weeks and 2 days until I fly to the Maldives for the holiday of a lifetime!

Everything has been pretty damn hectic with me recently, I've also decorated the whole house from top to bottom as well as decorate the nursery at my future brother in laws place, it's so cute, makes me just want to steal the baby! Why is it baby stuff is just so cute? I love it, can't stop buying it! I'll get enough of babies today though as I'm doing a massage demo at a breast feeding group for my salon later on today, screaming babies included...wish me luck.

Anyway, I'll post some images up for you once I recveive some more back and get round ot finishing off some edits!

Love and cuddles,
Kirsty xxx