Not sure what it is...the weather, stressful times planning a wedding, the modeling industry, work at the salon, relocating the salon, M.E flaring up again, fallout with the other half...not sure, but I'm feeling pretty blue today.
Is that the right saying? Feeling blue? It sounded right saying it but not sure it looks right after typing it..anyway, I'm having a down day. Everyone gets them every now and again - today in mine. I refused to climb out of bed this morning and curled up under the covers for an extra hour in tears this morning, sometimes everything just gets a little too much and you need a release.
One thing that cheered me up yesterday was seeing KatyT posted a comment on my blog, it's lovely to know someone so inspirational to me is taking her time to read about ME. Unbelievable.
The above image is one from JohnH. Our latest shoot was basically just the two of us playing around for a few hours and seeing what we can come up with. I really like this shot, it captures how I'm feeling today very well. Thanks John.
It's also snowing again up here in Scotland, it's very wet though and I have cold feet...I hate having cold feet. Grrr I'm in such a rubbish mood today, sorry guys.
Here's to a cheerier post next time,
Kirst xxx